Friday, 29 May 2009

Ret Pallys in Ulduar - Ignis

10man Ret Loot
Drape of Fuming Anger
Relentless Edge

25man Ret Loot
Cindershard Ring

POETS day is here already (Piss Off Early Tomorrow's Saturday) but instead of scarpering just yet I'll get on with another guide.

A relatively simple fight from our point of view, but there are a handful of things worth mentioning to help smooth the path to lootsville.

First of all - On the pull remember that because of the size of the arena your tank is gonna have to move Ignis a loooong way, which will take a few seconds. That means he's not chucking out the same level of threat that he normally would, so just be a little careful when opening up. Generally, i find that after he's cast the 1st Scorch and been repositioned you can unleash fully.

Periodically throughout the fight Ignis will cast Flame Jets which will boot you up in the air and, if you're not very close in, out of melee range for a moment (but not out of judgement or exorcism range). You'll often here a call to 'stop casting' at this point, but with regards to all your offensive abilities you can ignore it, as they are instants. The only circumstance when you could get silenced would be if you were casting a non-AoW heal for some reason, in which case - stop.

You'll also occasionally see the boss charging into the raid to scoop someone into the slag pot strapped around the boss' waist. If it's you in the soup, remember that you can heal, pot and use healthstones whilst in there. Your raid healing SHOULD cover you, but just in case you should be ready to keep yourself up.

The constructs around the edge of the arena are called into the fight by Ignis and should be picked up by your tanks. If they're a little slow though, your combination of Consecration and DS can make you a favourite target of theirs along with the healers. You can take a shot or 2 from them, but not too many, so if you're taking a beating (or see that the healers are) a swift HoJ can be just the trick to give the tanks time to react. This is especially useful on the rare occasions that an OT is in the pot.

There's just the single phase and no 'burn' period so once you're away use cooldowns as and when you can to cram as many into the fight duration as possible. Timing of consecrations can be tricky here to get the most ticks out of them as the boss is moving so frequently (a little reminiscent of Grobbulus). If possible try to drop them when you know he's not casting scorch for a while and will be stationary, this might affect your priority a little.

That's it, 3 bosses down and one hell of an annoying robot to come next.

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