Thursday, 28 May 2009

Ret Pallys in Ulduar - Razorscale

10man Ret Loot
Dragonsteel Faceplate

25man Ret Loot
Drape of the Drakerider
Libram of Dischord

After FL you head deeper into Ulduar and hook a right down to Razorscale's platform, there's no trash as such but you'll fight waves and waves before getting onto the boss proper. Plenty of multi target action makes this a good fight for us damage-wise so be prepared to shine ;)

As the mole machines pop up, hang around your tank and let them grab aggro then unload with all you've got, your single target focus should be the watchers - to get rid of their irritating chain lightning. One you've nuked your last guardian keep an eye open to lend a hand with neighboring groups not faring so well, there's often time to dash across and drop a Consecration or DS, or atleast throw a exorcism if the next moles are incoming. The sentinels are a bit more tricky - the whirlwind HURTS, certainly on 25man, tho not quite so bad on 10, ideally he should be your ranged dpsers primary target though so you can focus on the smaller adds.

Save your Avenging Wrath for when Razorscale herself lands and go nuts, she's stunned so don't worry about aggro just yet, tho when she's permanently down (hopefully the 2nd or at worst 3rd landing) it might be worth a Hand of Salvation on yourself to help the tanks pickup and let you get cracking with the knacking. The timing of the fight means you'll have AW back off cooldown ready for the next landing. When she's about to take off again, or become grounded permanently, you'll take a knockback. Personally I'll DPS right upto this to maximise my time on the boss, and can often throw a final judgment or exorcism as you're being blown away - the fall damage isn't significant and can be put right with a quick FoL on yourself before you rejoin your group and get back to the adds.

Once she's down for good the normal melee rules apply - stick behind, don't over aggro, don't stand in fire and just keep churning out the damage.

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