Thursday, 28 May 2009

What's it all about then?

Well, mainly this here blog will be about Retribution paladins in World of Warcraft (it's a fun little game, you may have heard of it) It's gonna be a mix of general opinion on the class, how updates will affect us, theorycrafting, self indulgent rants.... y'know the usual thing, hopefully with a little humour and randomness thrown in along the way too

So who the hell are you?

I've been playing WoW for just over three years as it stands, my pally was my first and still my favourite character, although i raided as a rogue during TBC. I'm not in one of the top guilds in the World, or even in Europe, but we make steady progress and i still find myself reading various forums and see there's still a whole range of old and new pallies who ... well .... haven't got a bloody clue to be frank! So I thought I'd share some of my thoughts and ideas on here incase others find it useful... plus it's always nice to vent :P

What was with the rogue then?

Well, my pally was my first lvl60, and 70 and 80 too, but at 70 i found myself somewhat stuck - while levelling i could cope just fine but when in groups it became obvious that i couldn't keep up. I tried my hand at tanking and healing, and though i made a decent fist of it... it didn't satisfy my passion for hitting things with sticks. Sometimes the sticks are big and sticky, somtimes with a lump at the end, othertimes a pointy bit, but the important factor is that i'm hitting some random beastie over the head with it alot, and if i couldn't do it with my pally then i had to choose another class to do it with. I happened to have a rogue at lvl58 - so up he went.

I had some good times with the rogue ofc, having just grazed raiding at 60 (LBRS, UBRS, ZG + AQ20) i got really stuck into the game and taking raids more seriously and by the time WotLK hit us last year the guild had made our way through Kara, Gruul, Maggy, SSC, TK, Hyjal, BT and toppled a couple of bosses in Sunwell post-nerf. Along the way i went from grabbing random weapons and gear to doing the whole optomising and spreadsheets deal and came away packing a swathe of decent gear including 5pcs of T6 (no glaives tho :( ) but more importantly a good deal of knowledge about the game and how to play it.

But now you're all pally again right?

Towards the end of TBC i dusted off my pally, dabbled with some PvP and picked up some nice looking gear from seasons 3 and 4 of arena, i still insisted on playing as Ret ofc but was playing with him as a release from raiding, so ultimate ratings weren't my goal. When Patch 3.0 came and suddenly Pallys were viable as ret I put arena on the backburner and prepared myself for levelling once more.

Some conveniently timed leave from work meant i blasted to 80 after 6 days and haven't looked back since

Wow, you sure can talk

Thanks -.-

Point taken tho, i've rambled on for long enough there i think and it makes a decent introduction, till next time!

Chalke out

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