Thursday, 28 May 2009

Ret Pallys in Ulduar - Flame Leviathan

10man Ret Loot
Might of the Leviathan
Pyrite Infuser

25man Ret Loot
Iron Riveted War Helm
Strength of the Automatron
Plated Leggings of Ruination

I've got a fantastically dull and monotonous task running in the background here at work so i guess that makes time for another post on here. I'll kick off with something current - some tips from my experience in Ulduar so far. With this being THE current raid it seems most useful to make my first real guide about Uldy, but i may well fill in the pre-3.1 raids at a later date.

Well.......... erm, nothing much Ret-specific elements to the fight here unfortunately! Let's see what help i can give...

You're a pretty poor choice to be thrown onto the back of FL as a melee class, so expect to be in control of one of the vehicles. I'll skim over the basics but the info here should be the same as available on countless sites and guides across the web.

Firstly before you board your weapon of choice, stick every piece of high iLevel gear on that you can, it doesn't matter about it's stats and merits outside of the vehicles, whether it's from your tank or healing set, or if you have to mix them up - the vehicle gains stats according to the total iLevel of your gear.

In the Destroyer your key role is to look out for the emote from your passenger loading themselves into the catapult and get them on the back ASAP. Otherwise nuke with your main attack, keep an eye out for unlit tar and hit that. Save your pyrite for Overloads. At this point you should also be looking out for the guys parachuting down from the back of FL and be ready to pick them up and fire them back if needed.

On the Hog your main job is dumping tar ahead of FL to slow him down and keep him from catching the tanks, be sure to leave a gap ahead of FL so it can be lit before he passes over it and make good use of your speed boost to minimise your time exposed to danger. Aside from that add a little extra damage with your horn and at Overloads speed in, grab the the guys parachuting down and rush them to a nearby destroyer.

Siege engines should be kiting the boss, again making use of the boost to keep your distance, those Rams sure hurt. When you're not kiting add a little damage and ALWAYS be ready to hammer your interrupt on every Flame Vent cast.

That should more than cover that, if you're having trouble here, fear what's to come! :P

That's it for now, back to the treadmill for me - more coming soon

Chalke out

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