Saturday, 30 May 2009

Ret Pallys in Ulduar - XT-002 Deconstructor

Ret 10man Loot
Chestplate of Vicious Potency
Power Enhancing Loop
Aesir's Edge

Ret 25man Loot
Clockwork Legplates
Crazed Construct Ring

My mission to keep throwing useful information up on this site continues with a look at XT-002, the boss with a hilarious voice... for the 1st pull... after which you'll want to try playing with your elbows, as your fingers will be firmly lodged in your ears :P

Positioning yourself is a key element to this fight, both for survivability and to maximise your DPS.

The 1st phase lasts for 25% of the boss' HP and will have you around the back dpsing as normal, whilst looking out for taking the Searing Light or Gravity Bomb debuff. When you get either of these immediately head for the spot your raid defined for you, typically meaning you'll be moving away on a diagonal from the boss. This should mean you're in range of your healing group but a safe distance from both those and the tanks/melee. The range of the debuffs is 10/12 yards respectively but it's best to be 1 yard over and not under so give it a little room (as anyone who's cut it too fine and yanked the tank away from the boss will testify to ;) ) You can still exorcise the boss from this range but that's about it. Pot, Healthstone or heal yourself if needed but this should be taken care of by your healers and you can prepare to get back into range and damaging as soon as the debuff wears off.

During this phase you might see a tantrum, keep half an eye on your HP during this, especially if you've just been on the receiving end of one of the debuffs. Again - do what's necessary to stay alive.

Phase 2 occurs as every 25% of the bosses HP ticks away, he'll emote and his heart will pop out, this is the burn phase of the fight and the time to pop those wings and any trinkets you might have. The heart takes double damage so expect to see some big numbers here BUT be in control, you should know if you're going for the hard mode or not. If you are - go nuts, if not - be prepared to stop dps and back away. Depending on your raid dps this might be at 20% HP to make sure DoTs won't finish off the heart or it could mean dpsing all the way to the end of the phase, just be aware.

During this phase adds will be spawning from the 4 piles of junk at the corners of the arena, typically ranged will begin to pick these off and specifically the bombs, which as bombs have a tendency to do - explode. Great for clearing adds, not so great if you're nearby, so be careful. Once you've finished with the heart, killing it or not, you should help out with these adds, so again be aware before the burn is over (heartburn xD lol just realised that!) and know where the concentration of scrapbots are that need your extra dps.

Then it's a return to phase 1 for and other 25% and so on, alternating between the 2. There'll probably be a Pummler or 2 up at this stage, your tanks should be able to drag them into melee range so your incidental AoE will help take them down, but stay focussed on the boss. Depending again on how high your raid dps is (and if any scrapbots healed the boss) you might not have wings off CD for the 2nd heart phase, but you should get atleast the 1st and 3rd.

Another boss ticked off and the Siege of Ulduar complete, grats! Now into the Antechamber.

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